Ello, I have nothing to say...but I really wanted to write something. >.<
Well...I've watched a lot of One Piece today and now I think I'm going to study for a test I have
I was thinking about doing a v-log today, because I've never done that. '____'
But I don't have time for that right now...And I want to do something funny to...hehe...
Well I hope you got a great start at the week! =D
I'm going back to my anime....ermh...I mean school work...^^'.....
One piece~
Hehe, I've started watching One Piece again.^^
It's been a while since I watched it...
It's been a while since I watched it...
I think my favorite character is Zoro... I've always liked him.^^
But I'm maybe have some more favs...like Chopper and Sanji...no, not Sanji x3

Made it through the week.^^ Or not...I'm home alone! =D
So fun, right?...But I can't figure out what to do... D=
All my friends are busy and I don't want to do my homework.
Advise? Oh, yeah! I want new anime to watch, so I would be very grateful if
someone can give me a tip.^^
...made I should do a post about animes I like...?

Made it through the week.^^ Or not...I'm home alone! =D
So fun, right?...But I can't figure out what to do... D=
All my friends are busy and I don't want to do my homework.
Advise? Oh, yeah! I want new anime to watch, so I would be very grateful if
someone can give me a tip.^^
...made I should do a post about animes I like...?
Sorry for the bad update lately!
I'm busy in school, many tests are coming up. And I'm currently making a blog design
for one of my friends.^^ But soon I'll start blog again. =3
And now I'm off to bed. Good night, sweet dreams. <3
Because I lol'd
This is a cute little song I listen to sometimes on youtube. xD
Yeah...Len is one of my favorite Vocaloids~ He's so freaking cute! >w<
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- --Beware-- -
- ----this post is as random as the picture below---- -

Ello world,
It's been a fun day today. I'm really happy.^^
I don't have any "news" to tell but I just wanted to say something. =3
First, something I want- money. And I need it so badly. D= I want to go to
a lot of Conventions this year, and I need money for new cosplay and other random stuff....
Second, I'm going to play piano in church on Saturday evening!
It's going to be so much fun!
Third, um...I'm will play OoT in like...4 minutes....!^^
Math D=
Stupid math... (sorry math <3) But right now I really dislike math...It's percent...
I think It's kinda easy, but sometimes It can be a real pain....(but I love equations~)
Well, I should go back to work. -.-"
Hopefully I'm done before 23:00...I want to sleep!
Yeah....Good night, hope you have a good sleep^^ (well, I'm going tox3)

Awesome movie!
Japanese movie I saw last week (I think)
It's called How to date an Otaku girl. (Fujoshi Kanojo) And it's a great movie! =D
About the movie:
College student Mutou Ookawa catches a glimpse of Ametani Yuiko, his co-worker from a former part-time job and falls immediately in love. Summoning up his courage, he eventually confesses his feelings to her and she responds “…but I’m a fujoshi.” Mutou not having the slight clue what “fujoshi” means, immediately responds “That’s OK!”
It's not the type of movie I use to watch but I really liked this one.^^
If you don't know what a Otaku is, you can click here. And Fujoshi is a type of Otaku.
If you want to see it, just search in google. You can watch it online at a lot of
different websites.
And we need to do them til tomorrow. It's not any hard things, tho.
I just need to read some pages about the French revolution (<3) and some about
old languages. Right now I'm watching random piano clips on youtube and eating some Ramen.
Well, um...I guess you can call it ramen.
Photo orf DOOOOOME! My food. I'm really boerd right now so....yeah....ciao! x3
Photo orf DOOOOOME! My food. I'm really boerd right now so....yeah....ciao! x3
sad day

I don't know how to say this, yesterday there was a horrible car accident.
And...well, I really don't know if I want to write it, but I'm going to do it anyway.
There was 2 girls, sisters, from my school. And their family. I guess you can tell now
what happened....The family is not here anymore. They're in heaven.
I didn't know them at all. But two friends of mine where really good friends
to one of them. I still can't believe that this really happened.
Well, I can say that I'm not very sad anymore. Because I'm Christian and I've heard of
what happens when you die. And that's why I can smile, right now.
They are at God's side, right now. They don't feel pain or sadness. They're happy.
I do not fear death. Because I know, that there is something much bigger than me and death.
And that's God and Jesus. And I believe in them. I know that there is a wonderful place they live in. And we all shouldn't be afraid of death. Because Jesus defeated him.
But, live you're life. [This is not an excuse for suicide.] Live you're life like it was the last day.
Of course this was a sad accident. But we can't live in the past. We can't change the fact that
they are not here today. I try to feel compassion with my 2 friends...It's hard.
But I hope they realize that God is good.
But now it's like a black hole in the school. Even tho everyone didn't know her, there is
still this sadness that fills up the rooms.
Sorry for this text, I just needed to say this to someone.
You may ignore this if you like, I don't really care about that.
[And sorry if you don't understand everything in this text]
back 2 school
Wohoo.....Tomorrow I need to get up early...School starts again.
And what have I done today? The last of the Christmas holidays?
I've cleaned my room....>___> Yeah, awesome, right?
Well it's fun to have a clean room I guess....
But I have no idea what to do now. D= Le derp. Maybe some 3DS?! o3o
Yeah, that sounds fun. mehehe. See ya!

my day^^
I lol'd xD
I've played of skyward sword (...you don't say...x3) and yesterday Sandra was here and
we played picmin 2, mahahah. I love that game! Especially when I play with her~. x""3
Well, I haven't only played videogames. Today me and my mother was outside and took
care of some things. (It's been very windy lately) And I've played piano too. xD
Yeah, well tomorrow shall I and my parents visit some friends. I don't know why but that can
be nice. OwO And School starts next week! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER!!!
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