Woho, I had a fairly good day at school today...except for the final lesson...P.E...
It started raining...And it continue raining when I waited for the bus...
And when I got of the bus...And when I went home... I usually like rain, but not when it's like this....
I hope you have a better day than me, ciao.
Today it's been 2 years, 6 month and 18 days since Portgas D. Ace..died...
(since the chapter was realised 15, feb, 2010)
how to make a sword (?)
I'm currently listen to a conversation on skype between some cosplayers...And they
are arguing and chatting about who they are going to cosplay.
I'm just listen, because the only people in the converation I know are two guys I met
at NärCon so I don't reallt know anyone. ;___; I hate when my shy side shows up...
Anyways..My OC use two swords to fight so I have to make TWO SWORDS Dx
I've never done swords before...I have my on real sword but I can't use it at CON's because...well it's a REAL sword. Sure, It's not that sharp but it's still not allowed at places like that.
But I think I know how to make the swords now~~ :3
Oh btw, I'm talking about katanas x3
he liiikes her!
Sorry, but I just have to make this post!
Yeah so..In my class there's a boy called Eric who is really nice and so on and there's
Sandra, one of my best friends. Last year me and Sandra used to work together at the math
but this year she decided to work alone. OK, I thought...
This year, I began to work with Carl and Eric instead..but just after two lessons Eric and Sandra
begins to work with each others. Me and Carl was like: o.o and then: D:<
And Eric and Sandra laugh all the time when they are together and I'm standing like .___. next to them.
It's really awkward...indeed...
I hope they get together soon, I mean they both like each other.
Sadly, I don't think neither one would like to start a relationship... TwT
Why do I care? They are both good friends of mine and they like each other so...why not?^^ haha.
European cosplayers
Yes, like the title says: here are some really good European cosplays!
Why, you may ask...well many people says that only East Asians can cosplay good
so here's the prof that we can cosplay too! *for all the haters out there*
France |
Norway |
Slovakia |
Portugal |
Weekend FTW!

When I looked at my phone I saw a text from Sakura..We're going to gothenburg tomorrow! 8D
I'm so happy, I hadn't planned anything for the weekend and then this.
Then we're going to meet up with Lina and Linnea :D I haven't met them since SFM in
Maj! This is going to be a so awesome day.
The funny part is that some other of my friends are going to Gothenburg too, but they are going to Liseberg instead, the amusement park. Haha, they don't know that I'll be in Gothenburg too. :3
Well I hope you have a nice weekend too!^^
anime and manga day~
Yay, I love these days~ Wednesday, Thursday are the days ehrn most of the manga and animes I'm following are uploading new episodes and chapters^^
And every manga/anime is so exiting right now! I think I have to say that Naruto is currently
the most exited because of the "Tobi/Madara/Masked-Guy" thing going on.
I wanted to show a picture from the latest chapter...but I realized that many of you maybe
don't read Naruto or haven't reached that part yet...
And I hate spoilers. I really do. So I don't want to spoil anything and make you guys hate me for that.^^
So here below is a link to that pic~
Bye bye, need to continue read some manga~~~
I will survive!
Yes, I made it trough two days now.^^
Only 177 days left or something like that. Haha. I'm currently just chatting with some friends
and just chillin'~~
My mom made some rhubarb pie that was really good. I love pie. :3
And now I'm going to continue chatting and play Skyrim, I haven't played it for some days...
Today we had our first P.E we played rounders, as usual..And did a step test.
When we did the step test we felt our pulse and wrote it down on papers.
I think we're going to do this test sometimes with a few month hiatus between to
check if we are getting better pules and so on.^^
Only 177 days left or something like that. Haha. I'm currently just chatting with some friends
and just chillin'~~
My mom made some rhubarb pie that was really good. I love pie. :3
And now I'm going to continue chatting and play Skyrim, I haven't played it for some days...
Today we had our first P.E we played rounders, as usual..And did a step test.
When we did the step test we felt our pulse and wrote it down on papers.
I think we're going to do this test sometimes with a few month hiatus between to
check if we are getting better pules and so on.^^
Back 2 School
Yeah, and that's the end of my summer...
I really had a wonderful holiday.^^ Even though I didn't go abroad even once...
Next year I hope I can spend lots of time at places I like to see, I start High School next year
so I want to do lots of stuff. :3
But now is now, and this is my last year in this school~. Wish me luck! ..I'll need it...
Ciao! Heading to the bus stop now :)
I really had a wonderful holiday.^^ Even though I didn't go abroad even once...
Next year I hope I can spend lots of time at places I like to see, I start High School next year
so I want to do lots of stuff. :3
But now is now, and this is my last year in this school~. Wish me luck! ..I'll need it...
Ciao! Heading to the bus stop now :)
missed a meetup for...?
Ok, I just had do write this down...
My friend Sakura invited me to a cosplaymeetup in her town.
I was so fired up for this! (sorry for the Natsu referent...) And I would meet some friends
and some other new people too....But no...
My classmates decided to have a bbq-party-like-thing before we starts school.
So I thought that I should go to that instead..
But They didn't do any bbq! So now I'm going to keep this idea going to next week...
Gee...I really like my classmates right now...
..Hope they are happy to see me tomorrow..
pic from this summer... |
I was so fired up for this! (sorry for the Natsu referent...) And I would meet some friends
and some other new people too....But no...
My classmates decided to have a bbq-party-like-thing before we starts school.
So I thought that I should go to that instead..
But They didn't do any bbq! So now I'm going to keep this idea going to next week...
Gee...I really like my classmates right now...
..Hope they are happy to see me tomorrow..
I love that word
Going to play Badminton today with Sandra^^
It's something we always do before school starts.
I don't know why though...haha. But it's really fun. So it doesn't matter what
the reason is^^.
c y
Going to play Badminton today with Sandra^^
It's something we always do before school starts.
I don't know why though...haha. But it's really fun. So it doesn't matter what
the reason is^^.
c y
A (エース) - Abyss
♥This is one of my favourite songs♥
Shall we go, to the bottom of the dark sea
A still unknown paradise
Shall we go, to the bottom of the deep sea
I’m already tired from running
If you’re here
I’m not afraid of anything
Into the darkness where light doesn’t shine
While entangled, we’ll fall.
While embraced by Mother Earth
Deepest Love
Deepest Love
Eternity is right there
Angels flooding from above the ground
Where should they go
People fighting eachother
I don’t want to see anything
To survive in this land gone mad
I was just too weak and gentle
Even if this world has perished
Deepest Love
Deepest Love
It won’t reach this place
Into the darkness where light doesn’t shine
While entangled, we’ll fall.
Unnoticed, time loses it’s meaning
These hands…
Those hands…
Become one…
Into the hue where all is born
While melted together, we’ll fall
Let’s laugh together, on Mother Earth.
Deepest Love
Deepest Love
Eternity is right there
Rookie Fiddlers text and music....I can't put in words how much his music work means to me.
I want to become a good musician like him...<3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">
Wig Wig WIIG!
Yay, I've ordered my new wig today. 8D
This red wig is amazing *w* I'm so in love with it.<3 span="span" style="background-color: white; color: #333333; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;"> 3>
100% HEAT-RESISTANT synthetic fibers<3 span="span"> 3>I'm going to use this wig for my OC* who is a boy called Akai Tora. Aka is red in japanese and Tora is Tiger in japanese. So the name is "Red Tiger".but with grammar and so it would CORRECTLY be Akai no Tora. but well...it's a name not a red tiger XD. And yes, Tora is kinda a girl name in Japan but that name has a background.
Me and Sakura has created our own OC's and some other characters as well. We also built
up a background story and a "world". So we now what we're doing. x3
We have thought about making a manga of it, but neither of us are so god at drawing...
But I'll maybe get Jen to do it.^^ haha. But we have made like "events" in the story.
kinda like stuff from a manga or something..XD
But it's going to take a while before it arrives...It's in China and I'm in Sweden. Dx
up to 56 working days it said ;___;
*OC = Own Character (a self made character)
BACKPACK..shoulder bag!!
Well school starts in 3 days! :O
I can't believe it's so soon..But I guess it's ok, I'll get to meet my classmates
again.^^ And this is my senioryear as well, so I hope it will be a good year.
But I need to study more...High School next year so I have to have good grades.
Well, I already have good grades...but I want higher XD
Yes, and I have a new backpack for this year. :3 My last shoulder bag was pretty but it wasn't
good for my books...The fabric can't stand water so when it rained a lot my books got damaged..
And it's more like a "baggy" style so paper and books didn't "stand" in bag so they got ugly
My new bag is GREEN :D
I bought it @ NärCon^^ This bag is much better then the old one.^^ The fabric stands water and it can have paper and books in it without damage it! Sadly I can't have my pins on this bag...but I think I'll
put some of them on my jacket or coat.^^ ..well it IS autumn soon..
And the motive....ONE PIECE FTW! :D:D I'm just a bit disappointed that it says "Luffy pirates" and not "mugiwaras" or something like that.
And it's a bit bigger and have very functional pockets (I don't know what to call it in english Dx)
I'm going to get comments about this bag...but that's fun, I guess^^
I can't believe it's so soon..But I guess it's ok, I'll get to meet my classmates
again.^^ And this is my senioryear as well, so I hope it will be a good year.
But I need to study more...High School next year so I have to have good grades.
Well, I already have good grades...but I want higher XD
Yes, and I have a new backpack for this year. :3 My last shoulder bag was pretty but it wasn't
good for my books...The fabric can't stand water so when it rained a lot my books got damaged..
And it's more like a "baggy" style so paper and books didn't "stand" in bag so they got ugly
left: old right: new |
My new bag is GREEN :D
I bought it @ NärCon^^ This bag is much better then the old one.^^ The fabric stands water and it can have paper and books in it without damage it! Sadly I can't have my pins on this bag...but I think I'll
put some of them on my jacket or coat.^^ ..well it IS autumn soon..
And the motive....ONE PIECE FTW! :D:D I'm just a bit disappointed that it says "Luffy pirates" and not "mugiwaras" or something like that.
And it's a bit bigger and have very functional pockets (I don't know what to call it in english Dx)
I'm going to get comments about this bag...but that's fun, I guess^^
I'm so tired ;___;
I think I'll get to bed pretty early today, I start school next week
so maybe it's good to get into the "rhythm", ne?
Geee...I read so many "Wapanese/Weaboo" memes yesterday I've started to use "ne".
Atleast I don't say "desu" with the wrong pronunciation....
Well I don't say "desu" at all x3
Anyway, this post isn't supposed to be about that. xD
My band had our first practice now after the summer 8D It was superfun.^^
We're going to play in like 2 weeks at some random place. Can't wait.
need more practice D:
Hi hi!
I was just thinking of adding something new to the blog.
And I thought that I'll maybe would have a "Character of The Week" thing.
In that weekly post I'll choose a character from somewhere, anime/manga, videogame book
or movie. And write a little about them. Sounds like fun, ne? x3
Or...I'll post a weekly cosplay photo with related photos and maybe write a bit about them?
I don't know...I just want to find something to do weekly so it can happen something on this blog XD
I was just thinking of adding something new to the blog.
And I thought that I'll maybe would have a "Character of The Week" thing.
In that weekly post I'll choose a character from somewhere, anime/manga, videogame book
or movie. And write a little about them. Sounds like fun, ne? x3
Or...I'll post a weekly cosplay photo with related photos and maybe write a bit about them?
I don't know...I just want to find something to do weekly so it can happen something on this blog XD
Night Night
Decided to get to bed early today.^^
Well...it's not that early but recently I've went to bed like at 1 or 2 ar night. o.o
I don' like that...Anyway! I had a great day today. :3
My relatives were here and celebrated my birthday. It was really fun seeing them again.
We ate cake that me and mom made yesterday and they were delicious.^^
My friend Jen iis going to High School in three days....I hope I can see her before she leaves.. ;__;
we won't be able to see each others so often now...
And I start 9th grade in 2 weeks. D: well, last year now!
Sweet dreams //Madde
Well...it's not that early but recently I've went to bed like at 1 or 2 ar night. o.o
I don' like that...Anyway! I had a great day today. :3
My relatives were here and celebrated my birthday. It was really fun seeing them again.
We ate cake that me and mom made yesterday and they were delicious.^^
My friend Jen iis going to High School in three days....I hope I can see her before she leaves.. ;__;
we won't be able to see each others so often now...
And I start 9th grade in 2 weeks. D: well, last year now!
Sweet dreams //Madde
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Choppah Power! :D |
Sorry that I haven't been updating. To much to do!
MY brothers bought me Skyrim so I have played a lot. hehe...I really like Skyrim and it's fun that
I can actually play it on my computer and not on someone else.^^
I really like creating characters~ |
I haven't gotten that far in the game yet...I'm level 3/4 right now. But I haven't been able to play so much. And maybe that's good(?).
But now I need to eat breakfast~
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*insert pic of armstrong* |
I've been to a camp for some days so that's why I haven't bloged in a while.
Sorry for not telling you guys about it. OTL
Anyways, I'm home now and the weather sure is nice tonight. :3
August is really one of my favourite month. Even though it can be thunder sometimes...
Hope you had a great start on the week and are looking forward to the weekend.
I'm going to fix with some stuff we bought from IKEA and then I'm going to play some piano.
Yay, it's my birthday today.^^
I'm now 15 years old~~~But I'm not home :'(
Well we're going to have a birthdayparty on saturday/sunday! Can't wait.
And the sun is shining :D It's a really nice day. (^_^)b
I'm now 15 years old~~~But I'm not home :'(
Well we're going to have a birthdayparty on saturday/sunday! Can't wait.
And the sun is shining :D It's a really nice day. (^_^)b
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btw, today's chapter of Fairy Tail was AWESOME! |
Who's everyone donin'?
The weather is fantastic today.^^ So I'm going to swim and be outside today.
Oh, me and my mum went to the ice-cream café, it was so nice.
We met some people that we haven't seen for a while. :3 And she and my brother is making
dinner. i hope it will be yummy^^
Madde out.
Death Note: movies
Time for a review! :3
As you maybe know I'm a big fan of the Death Note manga and anime.
And last year, I cosplayed L and when I get good fake blood I'm going to cosplay Beyond Birthday,^^
Yes...um..And as you maybe also know they've made 3 Death Note movies.
I recommend this film to anyone who has either read or
seen the anime. But it's a good movie for those who haven't too.
I actually showed this movie for my parents. They didn't know anything about DN but they thought that the movie was scary and "dark". But they still liked it.^^ ...I think... Now I just need to get them watch the second movie as well...^^
For those who don't know what Death Note is about, I'm going to write the plot here:
Yagami Light is a college student whose life undergoes a drastic change when he finds the "Death Note", lying on the ground. The Death Note's instructions claim that if a person's name is written within it while picturing that person's face, that person shall die within 40 seconds. Light realize after a while that the Death Note is real. After meeting the Shinigami (death god) named Ryuk, Light seeks to become "god of the new world" by passing his "justice" on those he deems to be evil.
But not all thinks that "Kira", as he is called (Kira is the japanese pronunciation for "killer"), is doing
right. But by killing criminals the evil seems to disappear.. Nobody knows who Kira is.
L, the world's greatest detective, has got the mission to capture Kira.
It's now a cat and mouse fight between Kira and L - genius vs genius, who's justice will win?

Yes, seems good, ne?^^
You can always google the movie, manga or anime to find out more. I'm not going to talk about the third DN movie because it doesn't have anything to do with the manga/anime.
But I ABSOLUTELY recommend that movie as well - Death Note - L change the world. This film is set before the ending of Death Note II: The Last Name, which features the film version of L's death.
And if you like to read I recommend you to buy
"Death Note: Another Note - The Los Angeles BB Murder cases".
It's a novel that takes place before the Death Note series. The main characters are L and Naomi.
Ohaio! Genki?^^
Just wanted to say that I got a feeling that this day's going to be awesome.^^
I'm going to play looots of piano today. Well, more then usually. I love playing songs from
videogames, most Legend of Zelda music.
I remember when I played "song of storms" everyday one week and it was raining all the days. xD
That was awesome. Even thought a bit sun wouldn't hurt. haha.
Recently, I've listen more to Twilight Princess music. And one of my favourite songs is Midna's Desperate Hour. So I decided to learn this song today, it doesn't seem so hard to me. :3
Well, mate ne! Piano timeu~
can't sleep
This is awful...I can't sleep at all...
I hate it. I went to bed pretty early today so I would sleep more than I did yesterday, but....
I don't like being alone at night sometimes..I just feel lonely..I want someone to talk to.
But I don't have anyone...Sometimes I'm even afraid of falling asleep. It feels like I'm so..defenseless...
Anything can happen when I'm asleep, I know that.
I detest the night when I'm not awake. I don't like this feeling.
I've started to feel this way at daytime too.
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