Yes, it's sunday and tomorrow it's school again...yay.
I have a math test and a test on the countries and capitals in Europe.
Perhaps I need to practice...Haha, oh. But not know.
But I think I'll spoil myself for a while~ It's became like a routine I do every Sunday. (O w O)
First, I'll take a bubble bath and then I take care of my nails, hair and body.
While in the bath, I usually watch the latest episode of One Piece.
I don't know how many other persons who has a day like these but I think it's really fun. :3
The only part missing is a person who can give me massage...
But I been a bit busy lately so I haven't had time to watch other episodes of animes...
So here's three links to some episodes I haven't watched yet~
La, la la~
yay, it's weekend! I'm so happy. :3
It's going to be such a nice weekend too~ Tomorrow, I'm going to Sakura's cosplay meetup 8D
And it's a sleepover so It's like....super AWESOME!
Tonight, I'm going to make my Chopperman cosplay. But I don't know if I'll cosplay Chopperman at the meetup, well it's autumn now so it's pretty cold outside.
I think I'll just go as casual Chopper^^ I hope it not going to rain Q__Q
have a nice weekend~
interview: School uniform
Hi, everyone^^ As you maybe remember I'm doing a essay about school uniforms.
And I asked my friend Erika-chan about her school uniform.
Here's her answers:
Do you like/dislike it?
Yes I like my uniform (O v O)
Why do you like/dislike it?
I like my uniform because It's unique from the usual schools that DO wear
How does it look? both boys and girls
For the girls, We wear a yellow dress designed uniform with a flower shaped belt and a small white necktie with our school seal
For Boys, They wear a blue colored Polo shirt and black pants with belt.
If you could choose; would you NOT wear a school uniform?
I would still be willing to wear uniforms, because it's hard to choose civilian clothes to wear on a school day for us students, and we would always want to look our best. Also, we will end up wearing the same thing over and over.
And I asked my friend Erika-chan about her school uniform.
Here's her answers:
Yes I like my uniform (O v O)
Why do you like/dislike it?
I like my uniform because It's unique from the usual schools that DO wear
How does it look? both boys and girls
For the girls, We wear a yellow dress designed uniform with a flower shaped belt and a small white necktie with our school seal
For Boys, They wear a blue colored Polo shirt and black pants with belt.
If you could choose; would you NOT wear a school uniform?
I would still be willing to wear uniforms, because it's hard to choose civilian clothes to wear on a school day for us students, and we would always want to look our best. Also, we will end up wearing the same thing over and over.
food *w*
today I'm feeling rich~~
Me and some people are going to a really nice restaurant this evening.^^
I don't know but we'll maybe go to a bubblepool aswell! =D
I like food~
The boring part is: the people. I can only get along pretty good with one of them...My classmate Sandra. But the others...well....I'm feeling pretty "lonely" when I'm with them...
I have no one to talk to. T___T that sucks...
Oh well: FOOD!
NEWS: Rurouni Kenshi movie
Me, I haven't watched this anime or read it. And neither the movie..
But I still thinks it pretty cool^^ I hope I can watch it some day~
Click here to read the full article.
heaven's wheel

I think this is the best Erza Scarlet cosplay I've ever seen. *w*
And I've seen many Erzas...But they mostly cosplay her with her "Japanese clothing"- outfit and that's a I mean Erza has so MANY different and cool outfits. If I where a pro at sewing and creating armor and had a nicer -taller- body I would DEFINITELY cosplay Erza.
I would make her black wing armor or just robe of yuen, because it's so awesome! QwQ
Or maybe even the Fairy Tail’s Farewell Armor. OwO
Haha...anyway..let's enjoy this piece of wonderful cosplay.
indeed, dragonborn...
OK, this is the answer to ALL my problems....I sit by the computer too much....Playing Skyrim and watching anime and reading manga...I should start playing piano more often. And sing.
The funny part is that I overworked my right foot and leg by playing too intense songs and too much at a time, I think. Lol. But in in January, I will do my upper secondary school choice.
And I'm going to try to get into a REALLY good music school~~~ But I have to do like an audition. D=
CYL, skyrim<3 p="p">(I can't play piano with my foot, I need to rest it for a bit~)3>
The funny part is that I overworked my right foot and leg by playing too intense songs and too much at a time, I think. Lol. But in in January, I will do my upper secondary school choice.
And I'm going to try to get into a REALLY good music school~~~ But I have to do like an audition. D=
CYL, skyrim<3 p="p">(I can't play piano with my foot, I need to rest it for a bit~)3>
Nope, nothin''s Friday evening and I'm all alone...
Well not completely alone. My mother and father are home. but doesn't do anything fun...
I wonder where my friends are....oh well, they are probably having a good time somewhere else without me...
I have to admit that my male friends are much more fun then my female school at least.
They (the guys) want to do things, like eat pizza or just going around in the village. (But they mostly sit inside playing computer games like WoW and HoN. I like those games, but I don't play them myself.
It's been years since I played WoW... ;___;)
OK, when they play games they aren't always so fun to talk with.
But I actually talk more with them on my spare time then with my female friends. x3
I have absolutely no idea what my female friends do after school....
lol, I want a boyfriend~~But I don't know because I don't want to lose my -wonderful- friendship =/
But there is a boy that I like more then the others~~I've liked him for three years now. Someone told me a year ago that he likes me too, but I denied that I liked him because I didn't want people to laugh
and tease me because of that...
I don't think anyone would pare us together if they looked at the different types of personality we have...
Oh well...
Well not completely alone. My mother and father are home. but doesn't do anything fun...
I wonder where my friends are....oh well, they are probably having a good time somewhere else without me...
I have to admit that my male friends are much more fun then my female school at least.
They (the guys) want to do things, like eat pizza or just going around in the village. (But they mostly sit inside playing computer games like WoW and HoN. I like those games, but I don't play them myself.
It's been years since I played WoW... ;___;)
OK, when they play games they aren't always so fun to talk with.
But I actually talk more with them on my spare time then with my female friends. x3
I have absolutely no idea what my female friends do after school....
lol, I want a boyfriend~~But I don't know because I don't want to lose my -wonderful- friendship =/
But there is a boy that I like more then the others~~I've liked him for three years now. Someone told me a year ago that he likes me too, but I denied that I liked him because I didn't want people to laugh
and tease me because of that...
I don't think anyone would pare us together if they looked at the different types of personality we have...
Oh well...
Hello everybody! 8D
I'm still alive, just so you know and I'm currently studying for my religion test tomorrow.
It's about Christianity, Judaism and Islam. I hope I get a good score on the test...
We had a test yesterday about the brain and nerves...and I don't think it went so well....
I want to be smart again Dx Internet is eating my brain!
brb, going to google if the computer actually can do that...
Tomorrow me and the 7th to 9th graders are going to have an athleticday D:
I HATE athletics...and we have to do 400m, 100m, long jump, high jump, bump ball, spear...
And something more...I suck at this D:
oh well, it's the last year..
I HATE athletics...and we have to do 400m, 100m, long jump, high jump, bump ball, spear...
And something more...I suck at this D:
oh well, it's the last year..
Friday, YAY
Yay, it's finally weekend~~^^ But it sure has been a strange day today....
First of all, my throat has been weird's really been hurting and I could barley talk
this morning. But after some cup of teas and throat lozenges I was able to talk but it still hurt.
My mom asked if I really was going to school and I was like "It's Friday, short day and tomorrow it's
weekend." So I went to school. But at the busstop I began to feel dizzy and was thinking about
going home but then I remembered that I had lots of stuff to do in school...
So I went to the first lesson, religion, I couldn't consecrate at all on what I read or what the
teacher said...That's when I decided that I needed to go home.
So I did all the stuff I was supposed to do and then I went home. :)
At home I only played piano and skyrim XD
The worst part about having a bad throat is that you aren't suposed to sing Dx
But TOMORROW me and a friend are holding our Lord of the Ring marathon! :D
I just have to tell you about my awesome Swedishclass work!
I'm going to have an oral presentation about SCHOOLUNIFORMS! :D
You might think I'm mad or something but I love schooluniforms~. sadly, our school doesn't
have that. OTL I want one! >w<"
So I'm currently researching about different school uniforms. I think I'll talk about the history - where it came from - and how it looks like today in different places in the world. :3
If I'm lucky, I can try talking with some of my global friends and see if they are wearing school uniforms and so on^^ (But I hate time zones Dx)
O, hi!
Hello everybody :3
(sorry for not posting anything in a few days)
I'm currently watching some anime...Hunter X Hunter.
I've only watches the first episode but I can't really decide if it's good or not.. x(
I need a new anime to watch...I've read more manga recently so I need something
to "watch" for exchange...
Oh, And on and a friends + some more random people are going to
watch all the Lord of the Rings movie<3 .="." 8d="8d" can="can" i="i" p="p" t="t" wait="wait">
...Aaaand back to homework.....see ya'!3>
(sorry for not posting anything in a few days)
I'm currently watching some anime...Hunter X Hunter.
I've only watches the first episode but I can't really decide if it's good or not.. x(
I need a new anime to watch...I've read more manga recently so I need something
to "watch" for exchange...
Oh, And on and a friends + some more random people are going to
watch all the Lord of the Rings movie<3 .="." 8d="8d" can="can" i="i" p="p" t="t" wait="wait">
...Aaaand back to homework.....see ya'!3>
Bath Timu~!
*pic unrelated*
This has been one awful day... -____-No lie. Almost everything was h.o.r.r.i.b.l.e
Ok, now it's not the right time to complain! I have to do some homework...
Swedish, English, French, Geography...
And I'll maybe have a Swedish test tomorrow! Q__Q I don't know for sure yet though D:
I really don't like when I'm unsure about homework and tests.... >__>
Anyway...I'm going to have a nice, warm, bubble bath now, AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME!
I need to chill out for a ~while...~~
Happy B-day Hancock!
Yay, today it's Boa Hancock's birthday!
Have a nice day, Boa~~ I bet you're missing Luffy right now.^^
I hope we'll get to see you soon!

There are MANY vocaloid cosplayers out there but they aren't as annoying as Naruto cosplayers,
for example. Why? Well isn't it obvious? There are many different vocaloid outfits because
there are so many songs and so on. That makes it really interesting, in my opinion.
So I think that I'll maybe do a vocaloid cosplay aswell XD
And one song I like is panda hero. Hehe, I have many cosplays in my list...
But maybe^^ we'll see~~
I wanna move...
***complaining post***
Seriously, almost every day I get the feeling or thought "I don't want to live here" or "I don't belong here". Sweden...Sweden is a really nice country, nice nature, we have jobs, no wars and so on..
but the people are so boring. Well at least the majority of the people I've met...
Swedes are ALWAYS complaining (Like I do now for example...I'm a horrible Swede..)
Swedes tend to complain about stuff they can't change like the weather for example.
We have four seasons with different weather and temp, many places in the world don't have that.
In summer people complain about the heat and sun....In autumn they complain about rain, coldness, wind and that it isn't enough sun...In winter it's too much snow and to spring it's
wet because of the melting snow and ice...and so on...
I mean.... SERIOUSLY...It's like this EVERY YEAR, haven't you got used to it yet?
Oh, and one more thing...People can't praise each other...And if you say something like "I think I'm good at this." People will give you a strange look or say something like "Why you bragging so much?".
I hate that. Many people are alone and sad because of this.
I love going abroad because you get to see how other people are living and acting.
I hope I can go abroad as a volunteer next summer.^^
Konbanwa, minna!
How's your weekend?^^ My day has been awesome~
It started at 9 am with breakfast an then me and mom went shopping at a market.
I found bought some really nice stuff. Clothes, things for my hair, a new bag
and some yarn aswell. acrylic yarn.
Yes, Yarn. "Why", you might ask and I'll tell you why. :3
I love to crochet, especially amigurumis. If you don't know what that is
you can google it. It's a fun hobby from Japan, actually. But I don't make amigurumis just
because of that, I made amigurumis before I knew where it came from.
Of course, if someone woul ask I'll vote for Japan or East Asia because "Amigurumi" sounds
japanese and you can right it easy in hiragana (あみぐるみ).
So now I'm currently sitting here and crochet. I got a nice pattern from my sewing-teacher in school (I don't know the exact word for it in english) with the yellow angry bird! I was so happy! 8D
Sure, my favourite bird is the blue, but I like the yellow aswell. ^^
So this is my project for this weekend, least I hope that I'll be done before Wednesday so I can show my teacher. Oh, that reminds me...I'm going to bring my Tony Tony Chopper bag to her too! I finished the bag at home due the summer holiday so he hasn't seen it yet.
Nighty Night, I'm going to sleep soon. It's already 10 pm here. :3
How's your weekend?^^ My day has been awesome~
It started at 9 am with breakfast an then me and mom went shopping at a market.
I found bought some really nice stuff. Clothes, things for my hair, a new bag
and some yarn aswell. acrylic yarn.
Yes, Yarn. "Why", you might ask and I'll tell you why. :3
I love to crochet, especially amigurumis. If you don't know what that is
you can google it. It's a fun hobby from Japan, actually. But I don't make amigurumis just
because of that, I made amigurumis before I knew where it came from.
Of course, if someone woul ask I'll vote for Japan or East Asia because "Amigurumi" sounds
japanese and you can right it easy in hiragana (あみぐるみ).
So now I'm currently sitting here and crochet. I got a nice pattern from my sewing-teacher in school (I don't know the exact word for it in english) with the yellow angry bird! I was so happy! 8D
Sure, my favourite bird is the blue, but I like the yellow aswell. ^^
So this is my project for this weekend, least I hope that I'll be done before Wednesday so I can show my teacher. Oh, that reminds me...I'm going to bring my Tony Tony Chopper bag to her too! I finished the bag at home due the summer holiday so he hasn't seen it yet.
Nighty Night, I'm going to sleep soon. It's already 10 pm here. :3
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