
interview: School uniform

Hi, everyone^^ As you maybe remember I'm doing a essay about school uniforms.
And I asked my friend Erika-chan about her school uniform.
Here's her answers:

Do you like/dislike it?  
Yes I like my uniform (O v O)

Why do you like/dislike it?
I like my uniform because It's unique from the usual schools that DO wear

How does it look? both boys and girls
For the girls, We wear a yellow dress designed uniform with a flower shaped belt and a small white necktie with our school seal

For Boys, They wear a blue colored Polo shirt and black pants with belt.

If you could choose; would you NOT wear a school uniform?
I would still be willing to wear uniforms, because it's hard to choose civilian clothes to wear on a school day for us students, and we would always want to look our best. Also, we will end up wearing the same thing over and over.

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